WordPress Design & Development

Why do we build, design, and develop in WordPress? WordPress is the content management system of choice for over 60% of websites that use a content management system. Content management systems are systems that make the backend administration of a website easy for all users, and include companies like Wix, Weebly, Square Sites, Joomla, Drupal, Xoops, and many others. 

The power of WordPress lies in it’s block content editor, which makes it incredibly simple to create and edit content on pages and posts while theming or templating handles the look, feel, and placement of the content. 

WordPress sometimes gets a bad wrap because many novice users download free themes and many WordPress websites look very similar to one another. To be fair, that isn’t just a WordPress problem, but is a problem shared by many websites built with content management systems by novice users. We use a design tool called Elementor Pro that allows us to design completely unique interfaces for every site we create. Rest assured, your website will be 100% unique, just like your business or organization.

As developers, we also have experience with incorporating APIs to pull in external data, and the development of WordPress plugins to enhance functionality. 


WordPress had a 63.1% share of the global content management system market in 2023.


There are an estimated 38,000,000 life WordPress websites running around the globe.