WordPress Support & Maintenance

The work doesn’t, and can’t, stop just because your website has been built and sent out into the World Wide Web. Regardless of whether or not you are using WordPress, have a straight HTML/CSS site, a PHP/MySQL driven site, or any other type of web technology running your website, you need to make sure your site is kept up-to-date, backed up, meets accessibility guidelines, and is kept safe from hackers and malware.

Sounds like tedious work that would keep you from your business or the work of your organization, right? That’s where we come in. For one low monthly fee, we will keep your site’s codebase and plugins up-to-date, backup your entire website to an offsite, secure storage facility weekly, use active monitoring to prevent malware and hacking attempts, and we will even send you a monthly status report that let’s you know exactly what was updated for the previous month.